

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Jeton — »Rechenpfennig (früher); Spielmarke«: Das Fremdwort wurde im 18. Jh. aus gleichbed. frz. jeton entlehnt. Dies ist von frz. jeter »werfen« in dessen älterem übertragenen Sinn »(durch Aufwerfen der Rechensteine) ‹be›rechnen« abgeleitet. Voraus… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • DFNA5 — Deafness, autosomal dominant 5 Identifiers Symbols DFNA5; ICERE 1 External IDs OMIM …   Wikipedia

  • Iktus — Ịk|tus 〈m.; , od. Ịk|ten〉 1. Stoß, Schlag 2. 〈Metrik〉 bes. starke Betonung, nachdrückliche Hebung 3. 〈Med.〉 plötzl. auftretendes, schweres Krankheitsmerkmal [<lat. ictus „Hieb, Stoß“] * * * Ịk|tus, der; , […u:s] u. Ikten [lat. ictus = Stoß …   Universal-Lexikon

  • adjective — ad•jec•tive [[t]ˈædʒ ɪk tɪv[/t]] n. 1) gram. a member of a class of words functioning as modifiers of nouns, typically by describing, delimiting, or specifying quantity, as nice in a nice day, other in other people, or all in all dogs, and in… …   From formal English to slang

  • Ictus — Ic tus, n. [L., fr. icere, ictum, to strike.] 1. (Pros.) The stress of voice laid upon accented syllable of a word. Cf. {Arsis}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) A stroke or blow, as in a sunstroke, the sting of an insect, pulsation of an artery, etc.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ictus — noun Etymology: Latin, literally, blow, from icere to strike Date: 1752 the recurring stress or beat in a rhythmic or metrical series of sounds …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ictomètre — Un ictomètre (du latin Icere, Ictum : battre) est un appareil de mesure des rayonnements ionisants. Il donne généralement un résultat en coups (ou chocs) par seconde (abrégé c/s ou cps) qui peut être ensuite converti en unités de mesures de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ФЕЦИАЛЫ —    • Fetiāles (Feciales),          На обязанности учрежденной Нумою или Анком Марцием и состоявшей из 20, по Plin. 28, 2 из 15 членов коллегии Ф. лежала обязанность объявлять войну и заключать договоры. Они избирались пожизненно из знатнейших… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • adjective — adjectively, adv. /aj ik tiv/, n. 1. Gram. any member of a class of words that in many languages are distinguished in form, as partly in English by having comparative and superlative endings, or by functioning as modifiers of nouns, as good, wise …   Universalium

  • disject — disjection, n. /dis jekt /, v.t. to scatter; disperse. [1575 85; < L disjectus, ptp. of disicere, equiv. to dis DIS 1 + icere (comb. form of jacere to throw); see JET1] * * * …   Universalium

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