

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Stage (stratigraphy) — In chronostratigraphy, a stage is a succession of rock strata laid down in an single age on the geologic timescale, which usually represents millions of years of deposition. A given stage of rock and the corresponding age of time will by… …   Wikipedia

  • Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point — A Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point, abbreviated GSSP, is an internationally agreed upon stratigraphic section which serves as the reference section for a particular boundary on the geologic time scale. The effort to define GSSPs is… …   Wikipedia

  • Global Standard Stratigraphic Age — In the Stratigraphy sub discipline of Geology, a Global Standard Stratigraphic Age, officially abbreviated GSSA, is a chronological reference point and criteria in the world s rock records used to define the boundaries (a internationally… …   Wikipedia

  • Cenomanian — |The Cenomanian age (also known as Woodbinian [depreciated by the ICS] ) is the first or earliest or oldest Geochronological geologic age of the Late Cretaceous Epoch. Like all geological time units the Cenomanian age is associated with a… …   Wikipedia

  • System (stratigraphy) — NOTOC A system in the natural sciences and stratigraphy is an idealized composite unit of the geologic record made up of a succession of rock layers that were laid down together within a certain corresponding geological time span, and are used in …   Wikipedia

  • Eonothem — In stratigraphy and geology, an eonothem is the totality of rock strata laid down in the stratigraphic record deposited during a certain eon of the continuous geologic timescale. The Eonothem is not to be confused with the eon itself, which is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Erathem — In stratigraphy, paleontology, geology, and geobiology an erathem is the total stratigraphic record deposited during a certain corresponding span of time, an era in the geologic timescale. NOTOC It can therefore be used as a chronostratigraphic… …   Wikipedia

  • Origen de la vida — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Estromatolitos del precámbrico en la Formación Siyeh, Parque Nacional de los Glaciares, Estados Unidos. En 2002, William Schopf de la UCLA publicó un polémico artículo en la revista Nature defendiendo que este tipo… …   Wikipedia Español

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