

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Anla'shok — Dans l univers de Babylon 5, l Anla shok (mot minbari ; le Ranger en anglais) est une force speciale minbari créé par Valen. Leur première mission était de surveiller le retour des Ombres que leur fondateur avait annoncé dans la… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Ranger (Babylon 5) — Rangers (Minbari: Anla shok) are a fictional class of warriors that play a prominent role in the science fiction television series Babylon 5. “ We are Rangers. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge, and no one… …   Wikipedia

  • War Without End (Babylon 5) — Infobox Television episode Title = War Without End Series = Babylon 5 Ivanova, Delenn, Sinclair, Marcus and Zathras prepare B4 for time travel Caption = Season = 3 Episode = 16 17 Airdate = 13 May 1996 20 May 1996 Production = 316 #317 Writer = J …   Wikipedia

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  • Minbari — The Minbari are a fictional alien race featured in the television show Babylon 5. The Minbari characters of Delenn and Lennier figure prominently throughout the series; Neroon, Draal, and Dukhat are less prominent Minbari characters. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Valen — is a character in the fictional universe of the science fiction television series Babylon 5 . Although he has only one scene in the show, he is an important character in the history of the Minbari, and is frequently mentioned. He is most notable… …   Wikipedia

  • Minbari Warrior Caste — In the fictional Babylon 5 universe, the Warrior Caste is one of three castes in Minbari society. Members of this caste primarily serve as members of the military and protectors of the Minbari. The members of the Warrior Caste are the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Valen class cruiser — Infobox Fictional Spacecraft name = Valen class, Mk. II (see article) caption = A Valen class cruiser emerges from quantumspace. first = (Valen Mk.I) (Valen Mk.II) last = affiliation = Interstellar Alliance launched = decommissioned = fighters =… …   Wikipedia

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