

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Alfwy — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Alvy — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Elby — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Ellph — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Elphee — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Elphey — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

  • Elvey — Recorded in many forms as shown below, this is an English medieval surname of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origins. It derives from the personal name Aelfwig, recorded in surviving rolls of the county of Suffolk in the year 1095 as Aelfwi, and in… …   Surnames reference

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