- brine
- ambrinefibrineombrinepébrine
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Brine — Brine, n. [AS. bryne a burning, salt liquor, brine, fr. brinnan, brynnan, to burn. See {Burn}.] 1. Water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; pickle; hence, any strong saline solution; also, the saline residue or strong mother liquor… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brine — Brine, v. t. 1. To steep or saturate in brine. [1913 Webster] 2. To sprinkle with salt or brine; as, to brine hay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brine — (lat. saltus ) is water saturated or nearly saturated with salt (NaCl). It is used (now less popular than historically) to preserve vegetables, fish, and meat, in a process known as brining. Brine is also commonly used to age Halloumi and Feta… … Wikipedia
brine — [ braın ] noun 1. ) uncount water that contains a lot of salt: preserved in brine 2. ) the brine LITERARY the ocean: the foaming brine … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Brine — (Aussprache: brain) ist eine (beinahe) gesättigte Kochsalzlösung in Wasser. Bei einer thermischen Meerwasserentsalzungsanlage ist es das im Kreislauf geführte Meerwasser, das mit Temperaturen von bis zu 115°C auf 50% höheren Salzgehalt gegenüber… … Deutsch Wikipedia
brine — [braın] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: bryne] 1.) water which contains a lot of salt and is used for preserving food ▪ fish pickled in brine 2.) sea water … Dictionary of contemporary English
brine — [brīn] n. [ME & OE; prob. < IE * bhrēi , to cut (> L friare, to crumble) < base * bher , to cut; orig. sense “cutting, sharp”] 1. water full of salt; heavily saturated salt solution, as for use in pickling 2. a) the water of the sea b)… … English World dictionary
Brine — Nom très rare porté en Belgique, rencontré autrefois aussi dans le département du Nord. Aucune idée solide quant à sa signification … Noms de famille
brine — O.E. bryne, origin unknown; no known cognates beyond Du. brijn, Flem. brijne … Etymology dictionary
brine — [n] salt solution alkali, blue, brackish water, deep, drink, marinade, ocean, pickling solution, preservative, saline, salt water, sea water, sodium chloride solution, vinegar; concept 514 … New thesaurus
brine — ► NOUN ▪ water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt, e.g. seawater. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary