- rship
- leadershipmotorship
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
authorship — [ô′thərship΄] n. 1. the profession or occupation of a writer 2. the origin (of a book, etc.) with reference to its author [a story of unknown authorship] 3. the source (of an idea, deed, etc.) with reference to its originator … English World dictionary
dealership — ☆ dealership [dēl′ərship΄ ] n. a franchise to market a product in a specified area, or a distributor holding such a franchise … English World dictionary
followership — [fäl′ō ərship΄] n. the ability to follow a leader … English World dictionary
governorship — [guv′ər nərship΄] n. the position, function, or term of office of a governor … English World dictionary
leadership — [lē′dərship΄] n. 1. the position or guidance of a leader 2. the ability to lead 3. the leaders of a group … English World dictionary
lectureship — [lek′chərship΄] n. 1. the position or rank of a lecturer 2. a series of lectures or the foundation supporting such a series … English World dictionary
membership — [mem′bərship΄] n. 1. the state of being, or status as, a member: with in or, in Brit. usage, of 2. members collectively, as of an organization 3. the number of members … English World dictionary
partnership — [pärt′nərship΄] n. 1. the state of being a partner; participation 2. the relationship of partners; joint interest; association 3. a) an association of two or more partners in a business enterprise b) a contract by which such an association is… … English World dictionary
readership — [rēd′ərship΄] n. 1. the people who read a particular publication, author, etc. or the estimated number of these 2. the state or position of being a reader … English World dictionary
receivership — [ri sē′vərship΄] n. 1. Law the duties or office of a receiver 2. the state of being administered or held by a receiver … English World dictionary