

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Rif — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Grupos lingüísticos en Marruecos El Rif (en rifeño, Arrif y en árabe, الريف Ar Rīf) es una región montañosa del norte de Marruecos, costera del mar Mediterráneo, entre la ciudade de Tetuán y la région de Kebdana ( …   Wikipedia Español

  • RIF — RI Terme désignant, à l’origine, une partie de la côte méditerranéenne du Maroc autour d’Al Hoceima ainsi que l’arrière pays montagneux et, aujourd’hui, le massif s’étendant en arc de cercle de Tanger, à l’ouest, à Melilla, à l’est: le Rif couvre …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rif — /rif/, v.t., riffed, riffing. Informal. to discharge (a person) from military or civil service, esp. as part of an economy program. Also, riff. [1945 50; special use of RIF] * * * Muslim Berber people who live in El Rif in northern Morocco. Their …   Universalium

  • Rif — /rif/, n. Er /er/, a mountainous coastal region in N Morocco. Also, Riff. * * * Muslim Berber people who live in El Rif in northern Morocco. Their culture is based on cultivation, herding, and fish processing. They speak a dialect of Berber, but… …   Universalium

  • RIF — /rif/, n. 1. Mil. a reduction in the personnel of an armed service or unit. 2. a reduction in the number of persons employed by a business, government department, etc., esp. for budgetary reasons. [R(eduction) I(n) F(orce)] * * * Muslim Berber… …   Universalium

  • Rif — bezeichnet: eine nordafrikanische Gebirgskette, siehe Rif (Gebirgszug) einen Ortsteil von Hallein (Salzburg) ein Fischerdorf in Island, siehe Snæfellsbær eine Sandbank in der Nordsee, siehe Rif (Insel) die Reichsstelle industrielle Fette und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rif — rif, riffe ou rifle n.m. Feu : T as du rif ? / Aller ou monter au rif, aller au combat, au feu. / Chercher le rif, chercher la bagarre, le rififi. / De rif, d autorité …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

  • rif — [rif] 1. tv. to dismiss an employee. (From the euphemism reduction in force.) □ They’re going to rif John tomorrow. □ Who’ll they rif next? 2. n. a firing; a dismissal. □ Who got the rif today? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • RIF — ˈrif noun ( s) Etymology: reduction in force 1. : a process of reduction of personnel (as of a government organization) especially for reasons of economy compare riff IX 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • rif — rif, rífi, s.m. şi rífuri, s.n. (înv. şi reg.) unitate de măsură pentru lungimi egală cu circa 77 cm. Trimis de blaurb, 15.11.2006. Sursa: DAR  rif (rífi), s.m. – (Mold.) Măsură de lungime înv., egală cu 777 mm. tc. rif (Tiktin) …   Dicționar Român

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