- ramai
- bramai
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Ramai — is a village in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.ee also*List of towns and villages in TibetExternal links and references* [http://fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Ramai.html Fallingrain.com] … Wikipedia
Ramai Pandit — ( bn. রামাই পণ্ডিত Ramai Ponđit ) or Ramai the Wise was a medieval Bengali poet from the region of Bengal. The exact date of his birth is not known, but it is believed that he lived in the 13th or 14th century AD. [http://banglapedia.org/HT/B… … Wikipedia
Ramai Swami — is a Vaishnava swami and a religious leader for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. [ [http://www.iskcon.net.au/sannyasaministry/listing List of Sannyasis in ISKCON April 2008] ISKCON Sannyasa Ministry, Retrieved on 2008 05 05]… … Wikipedia
Governing Body Commission — The Governing Body Commission (GBC) is the managerial authority of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). ISKCON s founder, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, created the GBC in 1970 and since that time it has met on an… … Wikipedia
Nuakhai — Also called Festival of Harvest Observed by Hinduism Type Hindu Begins Panchami tithi (fifth day) of lunar fortnight of Bhadrabaa Date August–September … Wikipedia
adio — ADÍO interj. Rămas bun (pentru totdeauna), rămâi cu bine. ♢ (Substantivat) Un trist adio. ♢ expr. A şi lua adio de la ceva = a socoti ceva ca pierdut pentru totdeauna. ♦ (ir.) S a terminat cu..., s a sfârşit cu... – Din it. addio, fr. adieu.… … Dicționar Român
pace — PÁCE s.f. 1. Stare de bună înţelegere între popoare, situaţie în care nu există conflicte armate sau război între state, popoare, populaţii. 2. Acord al părţilor beligerante asupra încetării războiului, tratat de încheiere a unui conflict armat.… … Dicționar Român
Dharmamangalkavya — The Dharmamangalkavya (Bengali: ধর্মমঙ্গলকাব্য) is an important sub genre of mangalkavya, the most significant genre of medieval Bengali literature. The texts belonging to this sub genre eulogize Dharmathakur, a folk deity worshipped in the Rarh… … Wikipedia
Balangir district — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name=Balangir District latd = 20.42 |longd= 83.30 state name= Orissa district= Balangir altitude=115 population as of = 2001 | population total = 1,335,760 | Language = Sambalpuri Ratio of Male / Female = 1000 / … Wikipedia
Tanggal 31 Ogos — is a popular Malaysian patriotic and national song. This song is one of the songs that are sung during the National Day celebrations throughout the nation. This song was played by Sudirman Arshad in 1990. The lyrics were written by Ahmad C.B,… … Wikipedia