

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • poque — n. f. (Québec) Fam. Marque, bosse résultant d un coup. Avoir une poque dans le front. Faire une poque sur une table …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Poque — Dieser Artikel behandelt das Poch Spiel. Für die ehemalige Schweizer Partei siehe Progressive Organisationen der Schweiz. Pochbrett (aus einem Nürnberger Spielzeug Musterbuch des 19. Jahrhunderts) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • poque — (po k ) s. m. Sorte de jeu de cartes qui a de l analogie avec le hoc.    Se dit de six petits casiers dont on se sert pour jouer au poque. Le poque de l as, le poque du roi, etc.    Réunion, dans une même main, de trois ou quatre cartes de même… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • belle é|poque — «behl ay POK», French. 1. the period at the turn of the century (from 1880 to 1905): »In the book, their pure cubism of the belle époque seems intact, as if exhumed in a perfect state (New Yorker). 2. (literally) beautiful epoch …   Useful english dictionary

  • la belle é|poque — «LABEHL ay PK», French. 1. the period at the turn of the century: »Was the age of Kipling and the Kaiser, McKinley and Dreyfus, really la belle époque, the sunny Edwardian afternoon it is often nostalgically painted? (Listener). 2. (literally)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Mega64 episodes (season 2) — Mega64 is a DVD exclusive series that can be only purchased on their website. The show has a story that is based around the characters playing video games in real life. The real video games are usually just the characters out in public acting out …   Wikipedia

  • List of Mega64 episodes (season 3) — Mega64 is a DVD exclusive series that can be only purchased on their website. The show has a story that is based around the characters playing video games in real life. The real video games are usually just the characters out in public acting out …   Wikipedia

  • List of Mega64 episodes (season 1) — Mega64 is a DVD exclusive series that can be only purchased on their website. The show has a story that is based around the characters playing video games in real life. The real video games are usually just the characters out in public acting out …   Wikipedia

  • Mega64 — with a fan at San Diego Comic Con 2009 Genre Comedy Sketch comedy Created by Rocco Botte Derrick Acosta …   Wikipedia

  • Poker — is a type of card game in which players bet on the value of the card combination ( hand ) in their possession, by placing a bet into a central pot. The winner is the one who holds the hand with the highest value according to an established hand… …   Wikipedia

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