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Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.
Cuisine de la pomme de terre — Pommes de terre cuites de différentes façons. La cuisine de la pomme de terre, tubercule consommé depuis plus de 8 000 ans, ne s’est véritablement développée qu’après le XVIe& … Wikipédia en Français
myopia — my|o|pi|a [ maı oupiə ] noun uncount 1. ) FORMAL a failure to consider what the results of your actions will be 2. ) MEDICAL a medical condition in which you cannot see clearly things that are far away. A less technical name for this is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
opiate — o|pi|ate [ oupiət ] noun count 1. ) a drug that contains OPIUM and is used for reducing pain and making you go to sleep 2. ) something that tends to prevent people from having their own opinions and makes them quiet and easily controlled … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
opium — o|pi|um [ oupiəm ] noun uncount 1. ) a powerful illegal drug made from the seeds of a type of POPPY (=flower). Opium was used in the past as a medicine for reducing pain. 2. ) something that tends to prevent people from having their own opinions… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English