

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • monomial — /moh noh mee euhl, meuh /, adj. 1. Algebra. a. consisting of one term only. b. (of a matrix) having exactly one non zero term in each row and each column. 2. Biol. noting or pertaining to a name that consists of a single word or term. n. 3.… …   Universalium

  • monomial — mo•no•mi•al [[t]moʊˈnoʊ mi əl, mə [/t]] n. 1) an algebraic expression or quantity that consists of a single term 2) bio a taxonomic name that consists of a single term 3) math. bio of or pertaining to a single term, expression, or quantity •… …   From formal English to slang

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