

Dictionnaire des rimes. 2013.

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  • Asnieres-sur-Nouere — Original name in latin Asnires sur Noure Name in other language Asnieres, Asnieres sur Nouere, Asnires, Asnires sur Noure State code FR Continent/City Europe/Paris longitude 45.71667 latitude 0.05 altitude 99 Population 1052 Date 2012 01 18 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

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  • Naire — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Nare — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Nayer — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Noar — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Noor — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Noore — Recorded as Naire, Nayer, Nare, Nore, Noor, Noore, Noar, Noare, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It was either topographical and originates from living by a nore, meaning a shore or cliff, or was… …   Surnames reference

  • Noah — Recorded as Nore, Noar, Noah, Nower and possibly others, this is an English pre medieval surname. It originates from the word nore meaning a shore, steep bank or cliff or from residence at a place called Nore, later known as Nore Farm in the… …   Surnames reference

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